Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Labels in New Blogger

I've finally managed to switch to the new blogger, and really want to make use of the 'labels' function for catagorising, and sorting, my posts. However I can't work out how to format the labels' appearance on each post. As a default setting, the labels appear directly under my post body without a paragraph break, which I'd like to change - ideally I'd like to have paragraph break AND have the labels only appear on fullpost pages, as I can do with technorati tags - anyone know how I can do this?

This Post was written by Fahara from Souperior


FJKramer said...

check with blogger help groups, search on labels, here's one that looked interesting---

FJKramer said...

Another thought --
Are you still using a classic template?
When you switch to the new layout, labels appear under your post in the box that shows date, time, comment, etc.
Also until you switch to a layout from the template only 20 entries for each label will be shown.